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Category:Terms S
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms S"
The following 1,000 pages are in this category, out of 1,109 total.
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- S-band
- S-curve
- S-curve method
- S-scale
- S-values
- Saddle-back
- Saffir-simpson hurricane scale
- Sage
- Saharan air layer
- Sahel
- Sailing directions
- Salinity
- Salinity bridge
- Salinometer
- Salt content
- Salt fingering
- Salt haze
- Salt lens
- Salt seeding
- Saltwater intrusion
- Sam
- Sample
- Sams
- San marco satellites
- Sand auger
- Sand haze
- Sand snow
- Sand wall
- Sand whirl
- Sandstorm
- Sansar
- Santa ana
- Santa rosa storm
- Sar
- Sargasso sea
- Sastruga
- Sastrugi
- Satellite image navigation
- Satellite infrared spectrometer
- Satellite meteorology
- Satellite pour l'observation de la terre
- Satellite sounding
- Satellite zenith angle
- Saturated soil
- Saturated zone
- Saturation
- Saturation deficit
- Saturation level
- Saturation mixing ratio
- Saturation point
- Saturation pressure
- Saturation signal
- Saturation specific humidity
- Saturation static energy
- Saturation temperature
- Savanna
- Savart polariscope
- Sawtooth wave
- Sbl
- Sbl strength
- Sbli
- Sbuv
- Scalar
- Scalar product
- Scale
- Scale analysis
- Scale factor
- Scale height
- Scams
- Scan line
- Scanner
- Scanning
- Scanning microwave spectrometer
- Scanning multifrequency microwave radiometer
- Scanning radiometer
- Scape
- Scatter
- Scatter angle
- Scatter diagram
- Scatter propagation
- Scattered
- Scattered power
- Scattered radiation
- Scattering
- Scattering area coefficient
- Scattering coefficient
- Scattering cross section
- Scattering efficiency factor
- Scattering function
- Scattering matrix
- Scatterometer
- Scavenging by precipitation
- Scavenging coefficient
- Scharnitzer
- Schlernwind
- Schlieren
- Schmidt number
- Schuman-ludlam limit
- Schumann resonance
- Scintillation
- Scintillometer
- Scmr
- Scofield-oliver technique
- Scope
- Scorer parameter
- Scotch mist
- Scotopic vision
- Scr
- Screen
- Screened pan
- Screening layer
- Scrubber
- Scud
- Scv
- Sea
- Sea breeze
- Sea clutter
- Sea fog
- Sea ice
- Sea level
- Sea level measurements
- Sea level pressure
- Sea level rise
- Sea smoke
- Sea state
- Sea surface temperature
- Sea turn
- Sea-breeze front
- Sea-salt nucleus
- Sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor
- Search radar
- Search space
- Searchlight
- Searchlighting
- Seasat
- Seasat surface wind
- Season
- Seastar
- Seawater
- Seawater intrusion
- Seawater thermometer
- Seawifs
- Sec
- Seca
- Secc
- Secchi disk
- Sechard
- Seclusion
- Second law of thermodynamics
- Second Summer
- Second-foot
- Second-foot day
- Second-order climatological station
- Second-order closure
- Second-order reaction
- Second-order station
- Second-trip echo
- Second-year ice
- Secondary bands
- Secondary circulation
- Secondary cold front
- Secondary cyclone
- Secondary depression
- Secondary emission
- Secondary front
- Secondary hydrometric station
- Secondary ice crystal
- Secondary instrument
- Secondary pollutants
- Secondary rainbow
- Sector scan
- Sector wind
- Sectorized image
- Secular variation
- Sediment
- Sediment concentration
- Sediment discharge rating
- Sediment grading
- Sediment sampler
- Sediment yield
- Sediment-carrying capacity
- Sedimentation
- Sedimentation diameter
- Sedimentology
- Seeder-feeder
- Seeding agent
- Seeding devices
- Seeding rate
- Seeing
- Seepage face
- Seepage spring
- Seepage velocity
- Seiche
- Seismograph
- Seiss
- Selatan
- Selection rules
- Selective absorption
- Selective chopper radiometer
- Selective scattering
- Selene
- Self-collection
- Self-healing of atmosphere
- Selsyn
- Selvas
- Sem
- Semantic network
- Semi-implicit method
- Semi-lagrangian method
- Semiannual oscillation
- Semiarid climate
- Semiarid zone
- Semidiurnal tide
- Semigeostrophic equations
- Semigeostrophic motion
- Semigeostrophic theory
- Semipermanent anticyclone
- Semipermanent depression
- Sensible heat
- Sensible heat flow
- Sensible temperature
- Sensing element
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity time control
- Separation of variables
- Sequence
- Serac
- Serein
- Serial communications
- Serial correlation
- Serial station
- Servo loop
- Set
- Severe storm
- Severe weather
- Severe weather threat index
- Severe-storm observation
- Seviri
- Sfazi code
- Sfazu code
- Sferics
- Sferics fix
- Sferics observation
- Sferics receiver
- Sferics source
- Shadow
- Shadow band pyranometer
- Shadow bands
- Shadow zone
- Shale ice
- Shallow convection parameterization
- Shallow fog
- Shallow low
- Shallow water approximation
- Shallow water wave
- Shaluk
- Shamal
- Sharki
- Sharp-edged gust
- Shear
- Shear flow
- Shear layer
- Shear line
- Shear production
- Shear ridge
- Shear vector
- Shear wave
- Shear-gravity wave
- Shearing instability
- Shearing stress
- Sheet erosion
- Sheet frost
- Sheet ice
- Sheet lightning
- Shelf cloud
- Shelf waves
- Shell ice
- Shelterbelt
- Sheltering coefficient
- Sherki
- Shf
- Shield
- Shine
- Ship motion
- Ship report
- Ship routing
- Ship synoptic code
- Shoal
- Shoaling
- Shock wave
- Shore ice
- Shore lead
- Short wave
- Short-crested wave
- Short-range forecast
- Short-term hydrologic forecast
- Shortwave radiation
- Shower
- Shuga
- Shuquee
- Shurgee
- Shurkiya
- Si
- Siberian high
- Sid
- Side-scanning sonar
- Sideband
- Sidelooking radar
- Sidereal year
- Siffanto
- Sigma vertical coordinate
- Sigma-n
- Sigma-stp
- Sigma-t
- Sigma-t,p
- Sigma-zero
- Sigmet information
- Signal
- Signal generator
- Signal strength
- Signal velocity
- Signal-to-noise ratio
- Signature
- Signature analysis techniques
- Significance test
- Significant level
- Significant wave
- Significant wave height
- Significant weather
- Significant weather chart
- Sigua
- Sikussak
- Sill depth
- Silt
- Silt-discharge rating
- Silver frost
- Silver iodide
- Silver-disk pyrheliometer
- Similarity
- Similarity relationship
- Similarity theory
- Simoom
- Simple harmonic wave
- Simple wave
- Sine galvanometer
- Single drift correction
- Single observer forecasting
- Single scattering
- Single-heading navigation
- Single-scatter albedo
- Single-scattering
- Single-station analysis
- Single-station forecasting
- Single-theodolite observation
- Singular corresponding point
- Singular point
- Singular value decomposition
- Singular vectors
- Singularity
- Sink
- Sink processes for trace gases
- Sinkhole
- Sinking
- Sinusoidal pattern
- Siphon barograph
- Siphon barometer
- Sirocco
- Sirs
- Sis
- Site characterization
- Site of station
- Six's thermometer
- Size parameter
- Skavler
- Skewness
- Skill
- Skin drag
- Skin friction
- Skin-friction coefficient
- Skip effect
- Skiron
- Sky
- Sky cover
- Sky map
- Sky slightly clouded
- Sky sweeper
- Sky wave
- Skyhook balloon
- Slab approximation
- Slab layer
- Slab model
- Slablike motion
- Slack water
- Slake
- Slant range
- Slant visibility
- Slantwise convection
- Slantwise convective available potential energy
- Sleet
- Slice method
- Sliding scale
- Sling psychrometer
- Sling thermometer
- Slope area method
- Slope flow
- Slope of a front
- Slope of an isobaric surface
- Slope water
- Slope winds
- Slope windstorm
- Slow manifold
- Slow tail
- Sludge
- Sluff
- Slug test
- Slush
- Slush icing
- Small calorie
- Small circle
- Small eddy closure
- Small eddy theory
- Small ion
- Small perturbation
- Small-craft warning
- Small-ion combination
- Smaze
- Smmr
- Smo
- Smog
- Smog chambers
- Smoke
- Smoke horizon
- Smoke pall
- Smoke plumes
- Smokes
- Smoothing
- Sms
- Smudging
- Snappy
- Snel's law
- Snotel
- Snow accumulation
- Snow banner
- Snow blindness
- Snow blink
- Snow board
- Snow cap
- Snow climate
- Snow cloud
- Snow concrete
- Snow course
- Snow cover
- Snow crust
- Snow crystal
- Snow day
- Snow density
- Snow drought
- Snow eater
- Snow fence
- Snow flurry
- Snow forest climate
- Snow garland
- Snow gauge
- Snow geyser
- Snow grains
- Snow ice
- Snow line
- Snow mat
- Snow patch
- Snow pillow
- Snow roller
- Snow sampler
- Snow shed
- Snow shower
- Snow stage
- Snow stake
- Snow survey
- Snow trails
- Snow tremor
- Snow-cover chart
- Snow-generating level
- Snowbreak
- Snowcreep
- Snowdrift
- Snowdrift glacier
- Snowdrift ice
- Snowfall
- Snowfield
- Snowflake
- Snowmelt
- Snowmelt flood
- Snowpack
- Snowpack yield
- Snowstorm
- Snr
- Socked in
- Sodar
- Sodium
- Sofar technology
- Soft radiation
- Soft rime
- Soft water
- Soil air
- Soil creep
- Soil moisture
- Soil moisture content
- Soil moisture deficit
- Soil moisture profile
- Soil moisture tension
- Soil stripe
- Soil temperature
- Soil thermograph
- Soil thermometer
- Soil zone
- Soil-water pressure
- Soilclime
- Sol-air temperature
- Solaire
- Solano
- Solar atmospheric tide
- Solar aureole
- Solar backscatter ultraviolet radiometer
- Solar climate
- Solar day
- Solar flux
- Solar imaging suite
- Solar infrared
- Solar radiation
- Solar radiation observation
- Solar radio emission
- Solar signal
- Solar spectrum
- Solar tide
- Solar x-ray imager
- Solar zenith angle
- Solar-terrestrial relationships
- Solar-topographic theory
- Solarimeter
- Solenoid
- Solenoidal
- Solid rotation
- Solifluction
- Solitary wave
- Soliton
- Solore
- Solstice
- Solubility
- Somali current
- Somali jet
- Sonic anemometer
- Sonic thermometer
- Sonora
- Sonora weather
- Soot
- Sorbtion nucleus
- Soroche
- Sorption
- Sou'easter
- Sou'wester
- Sound
- Sound channel
- Sound pressure level
- Sound wave
- Sounder
- Sounding
- Sounding balloon
- Sounding pole
- Sounding weight
- Source
- Source region
- Source terms
- South atlantic convergence zone
- South atlantic current
- South atlantic high
- South equatorial countercurrent
- South equatorial current
- South foehn
- South indian ocean current
- South java current
- South pacific convergence zone
- South pacific current
- Southeast trades
- Southeaster
- Souther
- Southern oscillation
- Southern oscillation index
- Southwest monsoon
- Southwest monsoon current
- Southwester
- Sover
- Sox
- Space charge
- Space environment in-situ suite
- Space environmental monitor
- Space weather
- Spark discharge
- Spatial average
- Spatial dendrite
- Spcz
- Speci
- Special observation
- Special sensor microwave imager
- Special sensor microwave temperature
- Special weather report
- Special weather statements
- Specific
- Specific capacity
- Specific conductance
- Specific discharge
- Specific energy
- Specific gravity
- Specific heat capacity
- Specific retention
- Specific storage
- Specific volume
- Specific yield
- Specific-volume anomaly
- Spectral density
- Spectral diffusivity
- Spectral function
- Spectral gap
- Spectral hygrometer
- Spectral interval
- Spectral irradiance
- Spectral line
- Spectral method
- Spectral model
- Spectral numerical analysis
- Spectral numerical prediction
- Spectral radiance
- Spectral similarity
- Spectral transform model
- Spectrobolometer
- Spectrograph
- Spectroheliograph
- Spectrometer
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectropyrheliometer
- Spectroscope
- Spectroscopy
- Spectrum
- Specular reflection
- Specular reflector
- Speed of light
- Speed of sound
- Speed-up height
- Speed-up ratio
- Speed-up wind
- Sphere calibration
- Spherical albedo
- Spherical coordinates
- Spherical harmonic
- Spherical harmonics
- Spherical pyranometer
- Spherical pyrgeometer
- Spherical pyrradiometer
- Spherical shell apparatus
- Spherical symmetry
- Spherical wave
- Spider lightning
- Spillover
- Spillway
- Spillway capacity
- Spillway design flood
- Spin-scan cloud camera
- Spindown time
- Spinning enhanced visible and infrared imager
- Spinup time
- Spiral scanning
- Spirit thermometer
- Spissatus
- Spit
- Splash
- Spline function
- Splintering
- Split cold front
- Split window
- Split-explicit method
- Splitting convective storm
- Spongy ice
- Spontaneous nucleation
- Sporadic e-layer
- Spot
- Spot wind
- Spray electrification
- Spread
- Spread skill correlation
- Spread-f
- Spring
- Spring crust
- Spring snow
- Spring tapping
- Spring tide
- Sprinkle
- Sprite
- Sq
- Squall
- Squall-line thunderstorm
- Square wave
- Sreh
- Ssm/i
- Ssm/t
- Ssu
- St. elmo's fire
- St. luke's summer
- St. martin's summer
- St. swithin's day
- Stability
- Stability categories
- Stability chart
- Stable air
- Stable air mass
- Stable boundary layer
- Stable motion
- Stable oscillation
- Stable profile
- Stable wave
- Stack effect
- Stacking
- Staff gauge
- Stage
- Stage-discharge relation
- Staggered grid
- Stagnation area
- Stagnation pressure
- Stalling mach number
- Stalo
- Stand
- Standard
- Standard artillery atmosphere
- Standard artillery zone
- Standard atmospheric pressure
- Standard density
- Standard density altitude
- Standard depth
- Standard deviation
- Standard error
- Standard isobaric surface
- Standard pressure
- Standard pressure altitude
- Standard project flood
- Standard propagation
- Standard target
- Standard temperature
- Standard temperature and pressure
- Standard time of observation
- Standardized variate
- Standing cloud
- Standing wave
- Standpipe storage precipitation gauge
- Stanton number
- Stark effect
- Starting plume
- State of ground
- State of the sea
- State of the sky
- State variable
- Static
- Static energies
- Static energy
- Static instability
- Static level
- Static pressure
- Static pressure port
- Static stability
- Station
- Station circle
- Station continuity chart
- Station designator
- Station elevation
- Station index number
- Station location
- Station model
- Station pressure
- Station-year method
- Stationary eddies
- Stationary orbit
- Stationary process
- Stationary source
- Stationary time series
- Stationary wave
- Stationary-state hypothesis
- Stationary-wave length
- Statistic
- Statistical
- Statistical forecast
- Statistical independence
- Statistical-dynamical model
- Statistics
- Staubosphere
- Steadiness
- Steady flow
- Steady state
- Steam
- Steam devils
- Steam fog
- Steepness
- Steering
- Steering flow
- Steering level
- Steering line
- Stefan-boltzmann constant
- Stefan-boltzmann law
- Stellar crystal
- Stem flow
- Step function
- Steppe
- Steppe climate
- Stepped leader
- Steradian
- Stereo image
- Stereographic image
- Stereographic projection
- Stereoscopic image
- Stevenson screen
- Stiff system
- Stikine wind
- Stilb
- Still well
- Still-water level
- Stilling-well gauges
- Stochastic
- Stochastic hydrology
- Stochastic model
- Stochastic particle modeling
- Stochastic process
- Stoke
- Stokes wave
- Stokes's drift
- Stokes's drift velocity
- Stokes's law
- Stokes's theorem
- Stomatal resistance
- Stooping
- Storage coefficient
- Storage curve
- Storage equation
- Storage ratio
- Storage term
- Storm chaser
- Storm duration
- Storm model
- Storm surge
- Storm track
- Storm transposition
- Storm warning
- Storm wave
- Storm wind
- Storm-relative environmental helicity
- Storm-warning signal
- Storm-warning tower
- Stp
- Straight-line wind
- Strain tensor
- Stratification
- Stratified fluid
- Stratiform
- Stratiform cloud
- Stratiform precipitation area
- Stratiformis
- Stratocumulus
- Stratocumulus stratiformis
- Stratopause
- Stratosphere
- Stratospheric aerosol gas experiment
- Stratospheric aerosol measurement
- Stratospheric and mesospheric sounder
- Stratospheric coupling
- Stratospheric oscillation
- Stratospheric sounding unit
- Stratospheric steering
- Stratospheric sulfate layer
- Stratospheric warming
- Stratus
- Stratus fractus
- Strays
- Streak lightning
- Stream
- Stream frequency
- Stream gauge
- Stream gauging
- Stream hydrograph
- Stream network
- Stream order
- Stream piracy
- Stream profile
- Stream segment
- Stream tube
- Streamer
- Streamflow
- Streamflow routing
- Streamfunction
- Streamline
- Streamwise vorticity
- Streeter-phelps equation
- Stress
- Stress tensor
- Stretched gridded data
- Stretched vissr data
- Striations
- Stroke density
- Strong breeze
- Strouhal number
- Structural stability
- Structure function
- Student's t-test
- Subantarctic front
- Subantarctic upper water
- Subantarctic zone
- Subarctic intermediate water
- Subarctic upper water
- Subatomic particle
- Subboreal
- Subcloud layer
- Subduction
- Subfrontal cloud
- Subgelisol
- Subgeostrophic wind
- Subgradient wind
- Subgrid-scale process
- Subhumid climate
- Subjective forecast
- Sublimation
- Sublimation nucleus
- Sublimation of ice
- Submesoscale coherent vortices
- Suborbital track
- Subpoint
- Subpolar glacier
- Subpolar high
- Subpolar low pressure belt
- Subregional broadcast
- Subsidence
- Subsidence inversion
- Substandard propagation
- Subsun
- Subsurface current
- Subsurface float
- Subsurface flow
- Subsurface storm flow
- Subsurface water
- Subterranean stream
- Subtrack
- Subtropical calms
- Subtropical climate
- Subtropical convergence
- Subtropical countercurrent
- Subtropical easterlies index
- Subtropical front
- Subtropical high
- Subtropical high pressure belt
- Subtropical jet stream
- Subtropical ridge
- Subtropics
- Suction vortices
- Sudden change report
- Sudden ionospheric disturbance
- Sudois
- Suer
- Suestada
- Sugar berg
- Sukhovei
- Sulfates
- Sulfur dioxide
- Sulfur hexafluoride
- Sulfur rain
- Sulfuric acid
- Sultriness
- Sumatra
- Summation principle
- Summer
- Summer monsoon
- Summer solstice
- Sun cross
- Sun crust
- Sun pillar
- Sun pointing
- Sun-synchronous orbit
- Sun-synchronous satellite
- Sun-weather correlation
- Sunglint
- Sunlight
- Sunlit aurora
- Sunrise
- Sunscald
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Sunshine recorder
- Sunspot cycle
- Sunspot maximum
- Sunspot minimum
- Super high frequency
- Super pressure balloon
- Superadiabatic lapse rate
- Superbolt
- Supercell
- Supercell tornado
- Supercooled cloud
- Supercooled fog
- Supercooled large drops