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Category:Terms R
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms R"
The following 487 pages are in this category, out of 487 total.
- R-meter
- R-scale
- R-scope
- Rabal
- Racoon
- Radar
- Radar algorithm
- Radar altimeter
- Radar altitude
- Radar band
- Radar beam
- Radar calibration
- Radar climatology
- Radar coded message
- Radar constant
- Radar cross section
- Radar displays
- Radar duct
- Radar equation
- Radar frequency band
- Radar hydrology
- Radar interferometry
- Radar meteorological observation
- Radar meteorology
- Radar mile
- Radar observation
- Radar polarimetry
- Radar reflectivity
- Radar report
- Radar resolution
- Radar return
- Radar scatterometer
- Radar signal spectrograph
- Radar sounding
- Radar storm detection
- Radar theodolite
- Radar weather observation
- Radar wind sounding
- Radar wind system
- Radar-rain gauge comparison
- Radarscope
- Radial inflow
- Radial symmetry
- Radial velocity
- Radial wind
- Radian
- Radiance
- Radiant
- Radiant density
- Radiant energy
- Radiant exitance
- Radiant exposure
- Radiant flux
- Radiant flux density
- Radiant intensity
- Radiant-energy thermometer
- Radiation
- Radiation belts
- Radiation chart
- Radiation fog
- Radiation frost
- Radiation inversion
- Radiation laws
- Radiation model
- Radiation pattern
- Radiation pressure
- Radiation shield
- Radiation torque
- Radiational cooling
- Radiational tide
- Radiative cooling
- Radiative equilibrium
- Radiative flux density
- Radiative flux divergence
- Radiative forcing
- Radiative heating
- Radiative transfer
- Radiative-convective equilibrium
- Radiative-convective model
- Radiatively active gas
- Radiator
- Radiatus
- Radio acoustic sounding system
- Radio atmometer
- Radio beacon
- Radio climatology
- Radio direction finder
- Radio direction finding
- Radio frequency
- Radio frequency band
- Radio hole
- Radio horizon
- Radio meteorology
- Radio navigation aid
- Radio sounding
- Radio source
- Radio wave
- Radio waves
- Radio wind observation
- Radioactive carbon
- Radioactive dating
- Radioactive decay
- Radioactive fallout
- Radioactive gas
- Radioactive precipitation
- Radioactive snow gauge
- Radioactive-particle ionization
- Radioactivity
- Radiomaximograph
- Radiometer
- Radiometry
- Radiosonde balloon
- Radiosonde ground equipment
- Radiosonde station
- Radiosonde system
- Radius of protection
- Radix layer
- Radob
- Radome
- Radon
- Raffiche
- Rafos technology
- Rafted ice
- Ragged ceiling
- Raggiatura
- Rain
- Rain and snow mixed
- Rain attenuation
- Rain cloud
- Rain crust
- Rain day
- Rain factor
- Rain forest
- Rain forest climate
- Rain gauge
- Rain making
- Rain shadow
- Rain shower
- Rain simulator
- Rain stage
- Rain stimulation by artificial means
- Rain washout
- Rain-gauge shield
- Rain-intensity gauge
- Rain-out
- Rainband
- Rainbow
- Raindrop
- Raindrop size distribution
- Raindrop spectrograph
- Rainfall
- Rainfall distribution
- Rainfall duration
- Rainfall excess
- Rainfall frequency
- Rainfall intensity pattern
- Rainfall intensity return period
- Rainfall loss
- Rainfall rate
- Rainfall regime
- Rainfall station
- Rainstorm
- Rainy climate
- Rainy season
- Ram penetrometer
- Ramp structure
- Ramsonde
- Random
- Random error
- Random forecast
- Random numbers
- Random process
- Random sample
- Random sea
- Random variable
- Random walk model
- Randomization
- Randomized seeding trial
- Randomness
- Range
- Range aliasing
- Range attenuation
- Range distortion
- Range error
- Range gate
- Range marker
- Range normalization
- Range resolution
- Range-height indicator
- Rankine temperature scale
- Rankine vortex
- Raob
- Raoult's law
- Rapid distortion theory
- Rapid interval imaging
- Rapid interval scan
- Rare gases
- Rare optical phenomenon
- Rarep
- Rasaph
- Rass
- Rate coefficient
- Rate constants
- Rate of accretion
- Rate-of-climb indicator
- Rating curve
- Rating flume
- Rational method
- Raw
- Raw moment
- Raw water
- Rawin
- Rawin target
- Rawinsonde observation
- Ray
- Ray tracing
- Rayleigh atmosphere
- Rayleigh number
- Rayleigh optical depth
- Rayleigh phase function
- Rayleigh scattering
- Rayleigh wave
- Rayleigh's formula
- Rayleigh-bénard convection
- Rdf
- Reach
- Reaction kinetics
- Reaction order
- Reaction rate
- Real time
- Real-time processing
- Real-time transmission
- Reanalysis
- Rear of a depression
- Rear-inflow jet
- Reaumur temperature scale
- Rebat
- Reboyo
- Recco
- Recco code
- Received power
- Receiver
- Receiver (noise) temperature
- Receiver gain
- Recession
- Recession curve
- Recharge
- Recharge area
- Recharge capacity
- Recirculation
- Recombination
- Recombination coefficient
- Recombination energy
- Recon
- Reconnaissance
- Record observation
- Recording albedometer
- Recording instrument
- Recording potentiometer
- Recovery test
- Recovery time
- Recurrence formula
- Recurvature
- Recycled water
- Red flash
- Red noise
- Red sea water
- Red snow
- Red tide
- Reduced gravity
- Reduced grid
- Reduced pressure
- Reduction
- Reduction of pressure to a standard level
- Reduction of temperature to mean sea level
- Reech number
- Reference crop evaporation
- Reflectance
- Reflection
- Reflection coefficient
- Reflection rainbow
- Reflectivity
- Reflectivity factor
- Reflector
- Refraction
- Refraction coefficient
- Refraction diagram
- Refraction of water waves
- Refractive index
- Refractivity
- Refractometer
- Regelation
- Regeneration of a depression
- Regime
- Regime channel
- Region of influence
- Regional air pollution
- Regional analysis
- Regional basic synoptic network
- Regional broadcast
- Regional climate model
- Regional forecast
- Regional meteorological center
- Regional meteorological telecommunications network
- Register
- Regression
- Regression analysis
- Regression coefficient
- Regression equation
- Regression line
- Regular broadcast
- Relative angular momentum
- Relative coordinate system
- Relative current
- Relative evaporation
- Relative frequency
- Relative humidity with respect to ice
- Relative ionospheric opacity meter
- Relative momentum
- Relative permeability
- Relative permittivity
- Relative reduction
- Relative sea level
- Relative velocity
- Relative vorticity
- Relaxation method
- Relaxation of a trough
- Relaxation time
- Relaxed eddy accumulation
- Remote sensing
- Representative basin
- Representative meteorological observation
- Representativeness
- Research to Operations
- Reservoir
- Reservoir compounds
- Reshabar
- Residence time
- Residual
- Residual depression storage
- Residual layer
- Residual mass curve
- Residual variance
- Resistance
- Resistance thermometer
- Resistivity
- Resonance
- Resonance fluorescence
- Resonance theory
- Resonance trough
- Resonance waves over hills
- Resonance waves over thermals
- Resonator
- Responder
- Response analysis
- Response function
- Responsive parameterization
- Rest mass
- Restoring
- Resultant
- Resultant wind
- Retarded flow
- Retarding basin
- Retention curve
- Retention storage
- Retreater
- Retrograde depression
- Retrograde wave
- Retrogression
- Retroreflection
- Retroreflector
- Return flow
- Return period
- Return stroke
- Returning polar maritime air
- Reversal of the monsoon
- Reversal temperature
- Reverse cell
- Reverse flow thermometer housing
- Reverse-oriented monsoon trough
- Reversible moist-adiabatic process
- Reversible process
- Reversing current
- Reversing thermometer
- Revised local reference
- Revolving storm
- Reynolds averaging
- Reynolds effect
- Reynolds number
- Reynolds stresses
- Rf
- Rf signal
- Rhi
- Rhumb-line course
- Ribbon lightning
- Ribut
- Richardson number
- Ridge
- Ridge line
- Riefne
- Right ascension
- Right-hand rotation
- Right-handed rectangular coordinates
- Rime
- Rime fog
- Rime ice
- Rime rod
- Rinehart projection
- Ringelmann chart
- Rip
- Rip current
- Ripe
- Ripening of snow
- Ripple
- Ripple wave
- Rise time
- Rising limb
- Rising tide
- River
- River basin
- River forecast
- River gauge
- River stage
- River surface temperature
- River system
- Rmse
- Rmtn
- Road weather
- Roaring forties
- Rob
- Robin hood's wind
- Robin sphere
- Robitzsch actinograph
- Rockair
- Rocket
- Rocket lightning
- Rocket-triggered lightning
- Rocketsonde
- Rofor
- Rofot
- Roll cloud
- Rollers
- Rolls
- Romet
- Rondada
- Root-mean-square error
- Rope cloud
- Rosau
- Rosemount temperature housing
- Rossby number similarity
- Rossby parameter
- Rossby radius of deformation
- Rossby regime
- Rossby wave
- Rossby-gravity wave
- Rotary current
- Rotating multicylinder
- Rotating reynolds number
- Rotational
- Rotational instability
- Rotenturm wind
- Rotoscope
- Rotten ice
- Rough air
- Roughness length
- Roughness sublayer
- Roundoff error
- Route component
- Route cross section
- Route forecast
- Rubber ice
- Rule
- Rule-based system
- Rules of inference
- Runoff
- Runoff coefficient
- Runoff cycle
- Runoff plot
- Runway elevation
- Runway observation
- Runway temperature
- Runway visibility
- Runway visual range
- Rush of snowmelt flood
- Rvr
- Réseau
- Röntgen ray