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Category:Terms P
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms P"
The following 595 pages are in this category, out of 595 total.
- P-e index
- P-e ratio
- Pacific deep water
- Pacific high
- Pacific-north american pattern
- Pack ice
- Packed tower
- Paesa
- Paesano
- Pages
- Painter
- Paleoclimate
- Paleoclimatic sequence
- Paleoclimatology
- Paleocrystic ice
- Paleomagnetism
- Palmer drought severity index
- Palouser
- Pampas
- Pampero
- Pan
- Pan coefficient
- Pan evaporation
- Panas oetara
- Pancake ice
- Pannus
- Papagayo
- Par
- Parabolic antenna
- Paraboloid
- Paraffins
- Parafoveal vision
- Parallax
- Parameter
- Parameterization
- Parametric equations
- Paranthelion
- Parcel
- Parcel method
- Parhelic circle
- Parhelion
- Parry arcs
- Parseval's theorem
- Partial correlation
- Partial derivative
- Partial drought
- Partial obscuration
- Partial pressure
- Partial-duration series
- Partially penetrating well
- Particle
- Particle charge
- Particle velocity
- Particulate loading
- Particulates
- Partly cloudy
- Pascal
- Pascal's law
- Pasquill stability classes
- Passive cloud
- Passive permafrost
- Passive system
- Patchy turbulence
- Path line
- Path method
- Pattern correlation
- Patterned ground
- Pavlovsky's approximation
- Payload
- Pbl
- Pca events
- Pdsi
- Pe
- Pea-soup fog
- Peak current
- Peak discharge
- Peak frequency
- Peak gust
- Peak power
- Pearson distribution
- Pedestal
- Peesash
- Peesweep storm
- Pendulum day
- Penetrative convection
- Penetrometer
- Penitent ice
- Penman-monteith method
- Pennant
- Pentad
- Per mille
- Percent reduction
- Percentage of possible sunshine
- Percentile
- Perched groundwater
- Perched stream
- Percolation
- Pereletok
- Perennial stream
- Perfect fluid
- Perfect prognosis method
- Perfect prognostic
- Perfectly diffuse radiator
- Perfectly diffuse reflector
- Perfluorocarbons
- Pergelation
- Perhumid climate
- Pericenter
- Perigean tide
- Perigee
- Periglacial
- Periglacial climate
- Perihelion
- Period
- Period of record
- Period of validity
- Periodicity
- Periodogram
- Perlucidus
- Permafrost
- Permafrost island
- Permafrost table
- Permanent anticyclone
- Permanent control
- Permanent depression
- Permanent echo
- Permanent gas
- Permanent service for mean sea level
- Permanent wave
- Permeability
- Permeameter
- Peroxides
- Peroxyacetyl nitrate
- Peroxyalkyl radical
- Perpetual frost climate
- Perry
- Pers sunshine recorder
- Persian gulf water
- Persistence
- Persistence forecast
- Persistence tendency
- Personal equation
- Perturbation
- Perturbation equation
- Perturbation motion
- Perturbation quantity
- Perturbation technique
- Perturbation theory
- Peru/chile current
- Petit st. bernard
- Ph
- Phase
- Phase averaging
- Phase change
- Phase delay
- Phase distortion
- Phase function
- Phase instability
- Phase matrix
- Phase modulation
- Phase shift
- Phase space
- Phase spectrum
- Phase speed
- Phase velocity
- Phased-array antenna
- Phenogram
- Phenological observation
- Phenology
- Philippines current
- Photochemical air pollution
- Photochemical oxidants
- Photochemical reaction
- Photochemical smog
- Photochemistry
- Photoconductive cell
- Photodecomposition
- Photodissociation
- Photoelectric cell
- Photoelectric effect
- Photoelectric photometer
- Photoelectric photometry
- Photoelectric transmittance meter
- Photoelectron
- Photogrammetry
- Photographic barograph
- Photoionization
- Photolabile
- Photolysis
- Photometer
- Photometry
- Photon
- Photon flow rate
- Photon flux
- Photooxidation
- Photoperiod
- Photoperiodism
- Photopic vision
- Photopolarimeter
- Photosphere
- Photostationary state relation
- Photosynthesis
- Photosynthetically active radiation
- Phreatic cycle
- Phreatic water
- Phreatophyte
- Physical climate
- Physical climatology
- Physical forecasting
- Physical meteorology
- Physical oceanographic real-time system
- Physical oceanography
- Phytoclimate
- Phytoclimatology
- Phytometer
- Phytotoxic
- Phytotron
- Pi theorem
- Pibal
- Piché evaporimeter
- Pico balloon
- Picture element
- Piedmont glacier
- Pierson-moskowitz spectrum
- Piezometer
- Piezometric head
- Piezometric surface
- Pileus
- Pilmer
- Pilot balloon
- Pilot briefing
- Pilot chart
- Pilot report
- Pilot streamer
- Pilot-balloon observation
- Pilot-balloon station
- Pinene
- Piner
- Pingo
- Pip
- Piping
- Pirep
- Pitot tube
- Pitot-tube anemometer
- Pivot arm anemometer
- Pixel
- Pixel value
- Plan position indicator
- Planck function
- Planck's constant
- Planck's radiation law
- Plane albedo
- Plane atmospheric wave
- Plane flow
- Plane of the ecliptic
- Plane parallel atmosphere
- Plane polarization
- Plane wave
- Plane-dendritic crystal
- Planetary albedo
- Planetary boundary layer
- Planetary circulation
- Planetary vorticity effect
- Planetary wave
- Planetary-geostrophic
- Plant climate zone
- Plasma
- Plasmapause
- Plasmasphere
- Plate crystal
- Playa
- Pleistocene climate
- Pleistocene epoch
- Pleistocene glaciation
- Pliocene climatic optimum
- Plotting model
- Plotting position
- Plotting symbols
- Plow wind
- Plum rains
- Plume
- Plume rise model
- Pluvial
- Pluvial index
- Pluvial period
- Pluviometric coefficient
- Pluviometric quotient
- Pluviometry
- Pmc
- Pmse
- Pna
- Poincare wave
- Point
- Point data
- Point discharge
- Point discharge current
- Point gauge
- Point of occlusion
- Point precipitation
- Point rainfall
- Point source
- Point target
- Point vortex
- Point-to-multipoint communication
- Point-to-point communication
- Poise
- Poiseuille flow
- Poiseuille-hagen law
- Poisson constant
- Poisson distribution
- Poisson equation
- Polacke
- Polar air
- Polar air depression
- Polar amplification
- Polar anticyclone
- Polar cell
- Polar climate
- Polar continental air
- Polar coordinates
- Polar easterlies
- Polar front
- Polar frontal zone
- Polar glacier
- Polar high
- Polar ice
- Polar invasion
- Polar low
- Polar maritime air
- Polar mesospheric clouds
- Polar mesospheric summer echoes
- Polar night jet stream
- Polar outbreak
- Polar trough
- Polar wandering
- Polar wind
- Polar wind divide
- Polar-easterlies index
- Polar-front theory
- Polar-orbiting satellite
- Polarimeter
- Polarimetric radar
- Polariscope
- Polarity
- Polarizability
- Polarization
- Polarization matrix
- Polarization-diversity radar
- Polder
- Pole
- Pole of inaccessibility
- Pole tide
- Pole-star recorder
- Pollen analysis
- Pollutant standards index
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- Polyn'ya
- Polynomial
- Polytropic atmosphere
- Polytropic process
- Pomar code
- Pondage
- Ponente
- Ponentino
- Poniente
- Pontias
- Pool of cold air
- Pop-up thunderstorm
- Population
- Poriaz
- Porlezzina
- Porosity
- Porous medium
- Ports
- Portugal current
- Position vector
- Positive cloud-to-ground lightning
- Positive discharge
- Positive feedback
- Positive isothermal vorticity advection
- Positive rain
- Positron
- Postfrontal fog
- Postprocessing
- Potamology
- Potential
- Potential density
- Potential drop
- Potential energy
- Potential evaporation
- Potential evapotranspiration
- Potential flow theory
- Potential gradient
- Potential instability
- Potential predictability
- Potential refractive index
- Potential refractivity
- Potential temperature
- Potential transpiration
- Potential vorticity
- Potentiometer
- Potometer
- Poudrin
- Poultry stress index
- Powder snow
- Power
- Power density
- Power density spectrum
- Power series
- Power spectrum
- Power-law profile
- Poynting vector
- Poëchore
- Ppi
- Practical salinity units
- Praecipitatio
- Prairie
- Prandtl number
- Preactivation
- Precession rate
- Precipitation aloft
- Precipitation area
- Precipitation attenuation
- Precipitation ceiling
- Precipitation current
- Precipitation day
- Precipitation duration
- Precipitation echo
- Precipitation effectiveness
- Precipitation electricity
- Precipitation gauge
- Precipitation intensity
- Precipitation inversion
- Precipitation physics
- Precipitation regime
- Precipitation scavenging
- Precipitation shield
- Precipitation station
- Precipitation trails
- Precipitation trajectory
- Precipitation-effectiveness index
- Precipitation-evaporation ratio
- Precipitators
- Precision
- Predictability
- Predictability limit
- Prediction
- Preexponential factor
- Prefrontal squall line
- Prefrontal thunderstorm
- Pressure
- Pressure altimeter
- Pressure altitude
- Pressure anomaly
- Pressure center
- Pressure coordinates
- Pressure correlation
- Pressure force
- Pressure gradient
- Pressure head
- Pressure ice
- Pressure jump
- Pressure jump detector
- Pressure melting
- Pressure pattern
- Pressure ridge
- Pressure spectrum
- Pressure stress
- Pressure surge
- Pressure system
- Pressure tendency
- Pressure tide gauges
- Pressure vertical coordinates
- Pressure wave
- Pressure-change chart
- Pressure-fall center
- Pressure-pattern flight
- Pressure-rise center
- Pressure-sphere anemometer
- Prester
- Prevailing visibility
- Prevailing wind direction
- Prf
- Price meter
- Primary circulation
- Primary cyclone
- Primary depression
- Primary front
- Primary pollutants
- Primary rainbow
- Primitive equations
- Principal band
- Principal components analysis
- Principal land station
- Principal plane
- Principal point
- Principle of geometric association
- Probabilistic process
- Probability
- Probability density function
- Probability distribution
- Probability forecast
- Probability integral
- Probability of precipitation
- Probability paper
- Probability theory
- Probable error
- Probable maximum flood
- Probable maximum precipitation
- Probe
- Process lapse rate
- Product-moment
- Production rule
- Production system
- Profile
- Profile matching
- Profile similarity
- Profiler
- Prog
- Prog chart
- Prognostic chart
- Prognostic clouds
- Prognostic contour chart
- Prognostic equation
- Progressive wave
- Projection
- Propagation constant
- Propagation effect
- Propane
- Propeller anemometer
- Propeller-type current meter
- Propeller-vane anemometer
- Propene
- Protected thermometer
- Proton
- Proton precipitation
- Proton-proton chain
- Protonosphere
- Proxy climate record
- Psc
- Pseudo front
- Pseudoadiabat
- Pseudoadiabatic chart
- Pseudoadiabatic expansion
- Pseudoadiabatic lapse rate
- Pseudoadiabatic process
- Pseudocoloring
- Pseudoequivalent potential temperature
- Pseudorandom numbers
- Psi
- Psmsl
- Psu
- Psychrometer
- Psychrometric chart
- Psychrometric constant
- Psychrometric formula
- Psychrometric tables
- Psychrometry
- Puelche
- Pulse
- Pulse coding
- Pulse compression
- Pulse duration
- Pulse integration
- Pulse integrator
- Pulse length
- Pulse modulation
- Pulse repetition frequency
- Pulse volume
- Pulse-pair processing
- Pulse-time-modulated radiosonde
- Pulsed radar
- Pulsed-light cloud-height indicator
- Pumping
- Pumping head
- Pumping test
- Pumping water level
- Purga
- Purl
- Purple light
- Pycnocline
- Pyranogram
- Pyranograph
- Pyranometer
- Pyrgeometer
- Pyrheliogram
- Pyrheliograph
- Pyrheliometer
- Pyrheliometric scale
- Pyrheliometry
- Pyrhenerwind
- Pyrolysis
- Pyrotechnic flare
- Pyrradiometer
- Péclet number