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Category:Terms N
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms N"
The following 222 pages are in this category, out of 222 total.
- N weather
- N'aschi
- N.t.p.
- Naaqs
- Naca standard atmosphere
- Nacreous clouds
- Nadir
- Nadw
- Nansen bottle
- Nansen cast
- Nappe
- Narbonnais
- Narrow-sector recorder
- Narrowband radiation
- Nasa scatterometer
- National ambient air quality standards
- National standard barometer
- National tidal datum epoch
- Natural control
- Natural coordinates
- Natural flow
- Natural frequency
- Natural remanent magnetization
- Natural sulfur cycle
- Natural synoptic period
- Natural synoptic region
- Natural synoptic season
- Naulu
- Nautical mile
- Nautical system
- Nautical twilight
- Navier-stokes equations
- Navigable semicircle
- Navigation
- Ndvi
- Neap range
- Neap tide
- Near gale
- Near-infrared
- Near-infrared radiation
- Nebul code
- Nebule
- Nebulosus
- Nec
- Necc
- Needle ice
- Negative cloud-to-ground lightning
- Negative feedback
- Negative isothermal vorticity advection
- Negative rain
- Negative viscosity
- Nemere
- Neoglacial
- Neon
- Neper
- Nephanalysis
- Nephcurve
- Nephelometer
- Nephelometry
- Nepheloscope
- Nephology
- Nephometer
- Nephoscope
- Nested grids
- Net balance
- Net primary production
- Net pyranometer
- Net pyrgeometer
- Net pyrradiometer
- Net radiation
- Net radiometer
- Net solar radiation
- Net terrestrial radiation
- Network
- Network density
- Neural network
- Neutral atmosphere
- Neutral equilibrium
- Neutral mode
- Neutral surfaces
- Neutron
- Neutron logging
- Neutron-scattering method
- Neutrosphere
- Nevada
- New guinea coastal current
- New guinea coastal undercurrent
- New snow
- Newton
- Newton's law of cooling
- Newton's laws of motion
- Newtonian fluid
- Newtonian friction law
- Newtonian mechanics
- Nexrad
- Night visual range
- Night wind
- Nilas
- Nimbostratus
- Nimbus
- Nine-light indicator
- Nipher shield
- Nitrate
- Nitrate ion
- Nitrate radical
- Nitric acid
- Nitric acid trihydrate
- Nitric oxide
- Nitrification
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen cycle
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Nitrogen fixation
- Nitrogen oxides
- Nitrogen-fixing plants
- Nitrous acid
- Nitrous oxide
- Nival
- Noaa
- NOAA space weather scales
- Noble gases
- Noctilucent clouds
- Nocturnal boundary layer
- Nocturnal cooling
- Nocturnal jet
- Nocturnal minimum temperature
- Nocturnal radiation
- Nodal factors
- Nodal increment
- Nodal period
- Node
- Noise figure
- Noise filtering
- Noise level
- Noise power
- Noise temperature
- Nomogram
- Noncoherent echo
- Noncoherent target
- Nondeterministic
- Nondimensional equation
- Nondimensional number
- Nondimensional parameter
- Nondispersive infrared spectrometry
- Nonharmonic tidal analysis
- Nonhydrostatic model
- Noninductive charging mechanism
- Nonlinear
- Nonlinear instability
- Nonlinearity of the equation of state
- Nonlocal closure
- Nonlocal flux
- Nonlocal mixing
- Nonlocal static stability
- Nonmethane hydrocarbons
- Nonrecording rain gauge
- Nonsupercell tornado
- Nonwetting liquid
- Nor'easter
- Nor'wester
- Nordenskjöld line
- Normal
- Normal aeration
- Normal barometer
- Normal chart
- Normal curve of error
- Normal distribution
- Normal mode initialization
- Normal modes
- Normal population
- Normal stresses
- Normal temperature and pressure
- Normal water
- Normalize
- Normalized difference vegetation index
- Normand's theorem
- Nortada
- Norte
- North american high
- North atlantic current
- North atlantic deep water
- North Atlantic Oscillation
- North brazil current
- North equatorial countercurrent
- North equatorial current
- North foehn
- North korea cold current
- North pacific current
- North wall
- Northeast storm
- Northeast trades
- Northeaster
- Norther
- Northern lights
- Northern nanny
- Northwester
- Norwegian current
- Norwegian sea deep water
- Notam
- Notos
- Nova zemlya
- Nowcast
- Nox
- Noxon cliff
- Nrm
- Nrm wind scale
- Nscat
- Nt
- Nuclear winter
- Nucleation
- Nucleus
- Nucleus counter
- Nudging
- Numerical dispersion
- Numerical forecasting
- Numerical integration
- Numerical modeling
- Numerical simulation
- Nusselt number
- Nwp
- Nyquist frequency
- Névé