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Category:Terms F
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms F"
The following 420 pages are in this category, out of 420 total.
- F-plane
- F-plane approximation
- F-ratio
- F-region
- F-scale
- F1-layer
- F2-layer
- Facsimile chart
- Facsimile equipment
- Fading
- Fahrenheit temperature scale
- Fair
- Fair-weather electricity
- Fall wind
- Falling sphere
- Fallout
- Fallout winds
- False warm sector
- Family of chemical species
- Family of tornadoes
- Fanning
- Far infrared
- Farmer's year
- Fast fourier transform
- Fast ice
- Fast-response sensors
- Fastest mile
- Fata bromosa
- Fata morgana
- Fathom
- Favogn
- Fax
- Feather
- Feawp
- Feed
- Feedback
- Feeding
- Feeling bottom
- Feng yun
- Fengyun 2
- Fermat's principle
- Ferrel cell
- Fetch
- Fft
- Fibratus
- Fido
- Fiducial point
- Fiducial temperature
- Field
- Field capacity
- Field changes
- Field excursion associated with precipitation
- Field mill
- Field of view
- Field permeability
- Field strength
- Field water-holding capacity
- Fifor
- Filling
- Film crust
- Filter
- Filtered equations
- Filtered model
- Filtering
- Filtering approximations
- Filtration
- Fine line
- Fine particles
- Fine-mesh grid
- Fine-mesh model
- Fineman nephoscope
- Finestructure
- Finger rafting
- Fingering
- Fingerprint method
- Finite depth
- Finite differencing
- Finite-difference approximation
- Finite-difference equation
- Finite-element model
- Fire behavior
- Fire weather
- Fire-danger meter
- Firm yield
- Firn
- Firn field
- Firn line
- Firnification
- Firnspiegel
- First gust
- First law of thermodynamics
- First-hop wave
- First-order climatological station
- First-order closure
- First-order reactions
- First-order station
- First-year ice
- Fisher & porter rain gauge
- Fitness figure
- Five-and-ten system
- Five-day forecast
- Five-point method
- Fix
- Fixed time broadcast
- Fixing of atmospheric gases
- Fjord
- Flame collector
- Flame ionization detection
- Flan
- Flanders storm
- Flanking line
- Flare echo
- Flash
- Flash drought
- Flash freeze
- Flash photolysis systems
- Flashy stream
- Flat low
- Flaw
- Fleet broadcast
- Flight cross section
- Flight documentation
- Flight forecast
- Flight information center
- Flight information region
- Flight level
- Flight plan
- Flight train
- Flist
- Float barograph
- Float-type rain gauge
- Floating ice
- Floating pan
- Floccus
- Floe
- Floeberg
- Flood
- Flood channel
- Flood current
- Flood forecast
- Flood forecasting
- Flood frequency distribution
- Flood interval
- Flood irrigation
- Flood marks
- Flood mitigation
- Flood plain
- Flood proofing
- Flood routing
- Flood stage
- Flood strength
- Flood tide
- Flood warning
- Flood watch
- Flood wave
- Flooding
- Florida current
- Flow law
- Flow line
- Flow net
- Flow pattern
- Flow velocity
- Flowmeter
- Fluctuation
- Flue gas
- Fluid parcel
- Flume
- Fluorescence
- Flurry
- Fluvial dynamics
- Fluvial morphology
- Flux
- Flux adjustment
- Flux aggregation
- Flux density
- Flux emissivity
- Flux transmittance
- Flux-corrected transport
- Flux-profile relationships
- Flux-ratio method
- Fluxplate
- Fly ash
- Flyoff
- Fm-cw radar
- Foam crust
- Foehn
- Foehn air
- Foehn bank
- Foehn cloud
- Foehn cyclone
- Foehn gap
- Foehn island
- Foehn nose
- Foehn pause
- Foehn period
- Foehn phase
- Foehn storm
- Foehn trough
- Foehn wall
- Foehn wave
- Fog
- Fog bank
- Fog chamber
- Fog day
- Fog deposit
- Fog dispersal
- Fog dissipation
- Fog drip
- Fog drop
- Fog forest
- Fog horizon
- Fog patches
- Fog scale
- Fog wind
- Folding
- Folding frequency
- Following wind
- Foot-candle
- Foot-pound
- Footlambert
- Footprint
- Footprint modeling
- Forano
- Forbidden transitions
- Force-restore method
- Forced cloud
- Forced wave
- Forcing function
- Forecast amendment
- Forecast area
- Forecast chart
- Forecast error
- Forecast evaluation
- Forecast lead time
- Forecast period
- Forecast updating
- Forecast verification
- Forecast-informed reservoir operations
- Forecast-reversal test
- Forecaster
- Forecasting error
- Forel scale
- Forerunner
- Forest meteorology
- Forestry
- Forked lightning
- Form drag
- Formaldehyde
- Formation fluid
- Formic acid
- Fortin barometer
- Forty saints' storm
- Forward chaining
- Forward scatter
- Forward scattering spectrometer probe
- Forward visibility
- Fossil fuels
- Fossil ice
- Fossil water
- Foucault pendulum
- Four-dimensional data assimilation
- Four-dimensional variational assimilation
- Fourier analysis
- Fourier integral
- Fourier series
- Fourier transform
- Fov
- Foveal vision
- Fowan
- Foyer
- Fpp scale
- Fps system
- Fractal
- Fractocumulus
- Fractostratus
- Fractus
- Frank
- Fraternal twin integrations
- Fraunhofer diffraction theory
- Fraunhofer lines
- Frazil
- Frazil ice
- Freak wave
- Free acidity
- Free air
- Free atmosphere
- Free convection scaling
- Free electron
- Free nappe
- Free radical
- Free space
- Free streamline
- Free surface
- Free turbulence
- Free water
- Free wave
- Free-board
- Free-stream mach number
- Free-surface conditions
- Freeze
- Freeze probability curve
- Freeze-free period
- Freeze-thaw pattern
- Freeze-up
- Freezing
- Freezing fog
- Freezing index
- Freezing level
- Freezing nucleus
- Freezing point
- Freezing precipitation
- Freezing season
- Freezing spray
- Freezing-level chart
- Fremantle doctor
- Freon
- Frequency
- Frequency agility
- Frequency analysis
- Frequency band
- Frequency coding
- Frequency distribution
- Frequency meter
- Frequency modulation
- Frequency response
- Frequency-domain averaging
- Fresh
- Fresh breeze
- Freshet
- Freshwater
- Fresnel reflection
- Fresnel zone
- Friagem
- Friction
- Friction head
- Friction layer
- Friction loss
- Friction velocity
- Frictional convergence
- Frictional divergence
- Frictional drag
- Frictional force
- Frictional skin drag
- Frictional torque
- Friendly ice
- Frigorimeter
- Fringe region
- Frog storm
- Front
- Frontal analysis
- Frontal contour
- Frontal cyclone
- Frontal fog
- Frontal inversion
- Frontal lifting
- Frontal model
- Frontal passage
- Frontal precipitation
- Frontal profile
- Frontal strip
- Frontal system
- Frontal theory
- Frontal thunderstorm
- Frontal wave
- Frontogenesis
- Frontogenetical function
- Frontolysis
- Fropa
- Frost
- Frost action
- Frost belt
- Frost blister
- Frost boil
- Frost climate
- Frost damage
- Frost day
- Frost depth
- Frost hazard
- Frost haze
- Frost heaving
- Frost hollow
- Frost line
- Frost mist
- Frost mound
- Frost pocket
- Frost point hygrometer
- Frost protection
- Frost ring
- Frost smoke
- Frost table
- Frost zone
- Frost-free season
- Frostburn
- Frostless zone
- Frozen fog
- Frozen ground
- Frozen precipitation
- Frozen turbulence
- Frozen-in-field
- Fujita-pearson scale
- Fujiwhara effect
- Fulchronograph
- Fulgurite
- Fully developed sea
- Fully penetrating well
- Fully rough flow
- Fumigation
- Fumulus
- Fundamental dimensions
- Fundamental equations of hydrodynamics
- Fundamental frequency
- Fundamental unit
- Funnel cloud
- Funneling
- Furiani
- Fusion
- Fuzzy knowledge
- Fuzzy logic
- Fuzzy set
- Fuzzy variable