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Category:Terms E
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms E"
The following 400 pages are in this category, out of 400 total.
- E-region
- E-ε closure
- Eape
- Earth
- Earth current
- Earth hummock
- Earth inductor
- Earth observing system
- Earth radiation budget experiment
- Earth radiation budget satellite
- Earth resources technology satellite
- Earth structure
- Earth temperature
- Earth tide
- Earth's shadow
- Earth-atmosphere radiation budget
- Earth-current storm
- Earth-ionosphere waveguide
- Earthlight
- Earthquake
- East antarctic ice sheet
- East arabian current
- East auckland current
- East australian current
- East greenland current
- East indian current
- East indian winter jet
- East korea warm current
- East madagascar current
- Easterlies
- Easterly wave
- Ebb current
- Ebb interval
- Ebb strength
- Ebert ion counter
- Ebullition
- Ecd
- Echo
- Echo amplitude
- Echo box
- Echo contour
- Echo frequency
- Echo intensity
- Echo overhang
- Echo power
- Echo pulse
- Echo sounder
- Ecliptic
- Ecnephias
- Ecological climatology
- Ecology
- Economic yield of aquifer
- Ecosphere
- Ecosystem
- Ecotone
- Edaphic
- Eddy
- Eddy accumulation
- Eddy advection
- Eddy conductivity
- Eddy continuum
- Eddy correlation
- Eddy covariance
- Eddy diffusion
- Eddy diffusivity
- Eddy flux
- Eddy shearing stress
- Eddy velocity
- Eddy-stress tensor
- Edge wave
- Effective area
- Effective atmosphere
- Effective earth radius
- Effective evapotranspiration
- Effective flux
- Effective gust velocity
- Effective permeability
- Effective porosity
- Effective precipitation
- Effective roughness length
- Effective snowmelt
- Effective stack height
- Effective temperature
- Effective velocity
- Effluent
- Effluent limitations
- Effluent seepage
- Effluent stream
- Efflux velocity
- Egyptian wind
- Ehf
- Eigenvalue
- Eight-inch rain gauge
- Einstein's summation notation
- Ejection chamber
- Ekman boundary conditions
- Ekman layer
- Ekman number
- Ekman pumping
- Ekman spiral
- Ekman transport
- El niño
- Electric charge
- Electric discharge
- Electric double layer
- Electric field
- Electric field intensity
- Electric field strength
- Electric lines of force
- Electric potential
- Electric potential gradient
- Electrical breakdown
- Electrical conductivity
- Electrical hygrometer
- Electrical log
- Electrical storm
- Electrical substitution radiometer
- Electrical thermometer
- Electro-osmosis
- Electrode effect
- Electrojets
- Electromagnetic acoustic probe
- Electromagnetic energy
- Electromagnetic field
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic theory
- Electromagnetic wave
- Electrometeor
- Electrometer
- Electron
- Electron avalanche
- Electron beam
- Electron capture detection
- Electron density
- Electron precipitation
- Electron volt
- Electronic excitation
- Electronic theodolite
- Electronic thermometer
- Electronic transitions
- Electroscope
- Electrosphere
- Electrostatic electrometer
- Electrostatic precipitator
- Element
- Elephanta
- Elerwind
- Elevated convection
- Elevation
- Elevation angle
- Elevation capacity curve
- Elf
- Eliassen-palm flux
- Elliptical depolarization ratio
- Elliptical polarization
- Elmo's fire
- Elsasser's radiation chart
- Elve
- Elvegust
- Emac probe
- Emanometer
- Embata
- Embryo
- Emissary sky
- Emission
- Emission factor
- Emission inventory
- Emission line
- Emission rate
- Emission spectrum
- Emission standard
- Emissivity
- Emittance
- Empirical flood formula
- Encroachment method
- End of storm oscillation
- Endorheic lake
- Endothermic reaction
- Energetics
- Energetics method
- Energy
- Energy balance
- Energy cascade
- Energy conversion
- Energy density spectrum
- Energy equation
- Energy grade line
- Energy level
- Energy transfer
- Energy-containing eddies
- Engineering hydrology
- Enhanced "v"
- Enhanced greenhouse effect
- Enhanced image
- Enhancement curve
- Enp
- Ensemble average
- Ensemble forecast
- Ensemble mean
- Ensemble spread
- Enso
- Enstrophy
- Enthalpy
- Entity-type entrainment mixing
- Entrainment
- Entrainment coefficient
- Entrainment rate
- Entrainment velocity
- Entrainment zone
- Entrance region
- Entropy
- Envelope soliton
- Environment
- Environmental acoustics
- Environmental chambers
- Environmental lapse rate
- Environmental tracer
- Eolation
- Eole
- Eos
- Eoso
- Ephemeral data
- Ephemeral lake
- Ephemeral stream
- Ephemeris
- Epilimnion
- Epipycnal
- Epipycnal mixing
- Episode
- Episode criteria
- Epitaxis
- Epoch
- Epoxide
- Equal-area map
- Equation of continuity
- Equation of piezotropy
- Equation of state
- Equation of time
- Equations of motion
- Equator
- Equatorial acceleration
- Equatorial air
- Equatorial bulge
- Equatorial climate
- Equatorial countercurrent
- Equatorial crossing time
- Equatorial current system
- Equatorial deep jets
- Equatorial dry zone
- Equatorial easterlies
- Equatorial electrojet
- Equatorial kelvin wave
- Equatorial orbiting satellite
- Equatorial poincare wave
- Equatorial stratospheric waves
- Equatorial tide
- Equatorial trough
- Equatorial undercurrent
- Equatorial upwelling
- Equatorial vortex
- Equatorial water
- Equatorial wave
- Equatorial waveguide
- Equatorial waves
- Equatorial westerlies
- Equatorially trapped waves
- Equideparture
- Equilibrium
- Equilibrium climate
- Equilibrium climate response
- Equilibrium drawdown
- Equilibrium line
- Equilibrium range
- Equilibrium solar tide
- Equilibrium spheroid
- Equilibrium theory
- Equilibrium tide
- Equilibrium vapor pressure
- Equilibrium well discharge
- Equilibrium-line altitude
- Equinoctial gales
- Equinoctial rains
- Equinoctial storm
- Equinoctial tide
- Equinox
- Equiparte
- Equipotential line
- Equipotential surface
- Equiscalar surface
- Equivalent altitude of aerodrome
- Equivalent barotropic level
- Equivalent barotropic model
- Equivalent blackbody temperature
- Equivalent footcandle
- Equivalent head wind
- Equivalent longitudinal wind
- Equivalent potential vorticity
- Equivalent reflectivity factor
- Equivalent tail wind
- Equivalent temperature
- Equivalent width
- Erbe
- Erbs
- Erf
- Erg
- Ergodic
- Ergodic condition
- Ergodicity
- Erosion
- Erosion ridge
- Error
- Error distribution
- Error function
- Ers
- Ertor
- Erts
- Escape velocity
- Essa
- Estimated ceiling
- Estuary
- Eta
- Eta vertical coordinate
- Etd
- Ete
- Etesians
- Ethane
- Ethene
- Euc
- Eulerian coordinates
- Eulerian correlation
- Eulerian current measurement
- Eulerian equations
- Eulerian wind
- Eupatheoscope
- Euphotic zone
- Euraquilo
- Eurithermic
- European remote sensing satellites
- Euros
- Eustatic sea level changes
- Evanescent level
- Evaporation fog
- Evaporation frost
- Evaporation gauge
- Evaporation pan
- Evaporation rate
- Evaporative available potential energy
- Evaporimeter
- Evapotranspirometer
- Evapotron
- Exceedance interval
- Exceedance probability
- Exceptional visibility
- Excess rain
- Excessive precipitation
- Exchange coefficients
- Excited state
- Exhalation
- Exhaust trail
- Exit region
- Exogenic influences
- Exogenous electrification
- Exorheic
- Exosphere
- Expansion wave
- Expected value
- Expendable bathythermograph
- Experimental basin
- Expert system
- Expertise
- Explanation
- Explosive warming
- Exposure
- Exposure of instruments
- Exsiccation
- Extended forecast
- Extended source
- Extensible balloon
- Extensive quantity
- External forcings
- External water circulation
- External wave
- Extinction
- Extinction coefficient
- Extinction cross section
- Extraordinary ray
- Extrapolation
- Extraterrestrial radiation
- Extratropical
- Extratropical cyclone
- Extreme
- Extreme temperature
- Extreme value analysis
- Extreme value distribution
- Extreme wave height
- Extremely high frequency
- Extremely low frequency
- Eye
- Eyewall