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Category:Terms C
From Glossary of Meteorology
Pages in category "Terms C"
The following 928 pages are in this category, out of 928 total.
- C figure
- C index
- C weather
- Cabbeling
- Cable
- Cacimbo
- Cajú rains
- Cake ice
- Cal
- Calendar year
- Calibration
- Calibration of an instrument
- Calibration tank
- California current
- California method
- California plotting position
- Calina
- Calm
- Calm belt
- Calms of cancer
- Calorie
- Calorimeter
- Calved ice
- Calving
- Calvus
- Campbell-stokes recorder
- Campos
- Canadian hardness-gauge
- Canary current
- Cancellation ratio
- Candela
- Candle
- Candle ice
- Candlemas eve winds
- Canopy
- Canopy temperature
- Canterbury northwester
- Canting angle
- Canyon wind
- Cap
- Cap cloud
- Capacitance rain gauge
- Capacity correction
- Capacity of the wind
- Cape
- Cape doctor
- Capillarity
- Capillarity correction
- Capillary action
- Capillary collector
- Capillary conductivity
- Capillary depression
- Capillary diffusion
- Capillary electrometer
- Capillary forces
- Capillary fringe
- Capillary head
- Capillary hysteresis
- Capillary interstice
- Capillary potential
- Capillary pressure
- Capillary rise
- Capillary suction
- Capillary water
- Capillary wave
- Capillatus
- Capped column
- Cappi
- Capping inversion
- Captive balloon sounding
- Capture
- Carabiné
- Carbon
- Carbon assimilation
- Carbon bond mechanism
- Carbon budget
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide band
- Carbon dioxide equivalence
- Carbon dioxide fertilization
- Carbon dioxide fertilizing effect
- Carbon disulfide
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon pool
- Carbon sink
- Carbon source
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Carbon-black seeding
- Carbon-film hygrometer element
- Carbonyl compounds
- Carbonyl sulfide
- Carburetor icing
- Carcenet
- Cardinal temperatures
- Cardinal winds
- Caribbean current
- Carnot cycle
- Carnot engine
- Carrier
- Carrier frequency
- Carrier wave
- Carry-over
- Cartesian coordinates
- Cartesian tensor
- Cascade
- Cascade impactor
- Cascade of energy
- Cascade shower
- Cascading water
- Case weather
- Case-based reasoning
- Cassegrainian mirror
- Cassegrainian telescope
- Castellanus
- Castellatus
- Cat
- Cat's nose
- Cat's paw
- Catalina eddy
- Catalytic converters
- Catalytic cycles
- Catch
- Catchment area
- Cathode-ray oscillograph
- Cathode-ray oscilloscope
- Cathode-ray radiogoniometer
- Cathode-ray tube
- Cation exchange capacity
- Cauchy number
- Cavaburd
- Cavaliers
- Caver
- Cavity
- Cavity radiometer
- Cavt
- Cavu
- Cavum
- Cbl
- Ccl
- Ccn
- Ccs
- Cd
- Cdr
- Ceiling
- Ceiling balloon
- Ceiling classification
- Ceiling light
- Ceiling-height indicator
- Ceilometer
- Celerity
- Celestial equator
- Celestial pole
- Celestial sphere
- Cell
- Cellular circulation
- Cellular cloud pattern
- Cellular convection
- Celsius temperature scale
- Center jump
- Center of action
- Center of gravity
- Centered difference
- Centibar
- Centigrade temperature scale
- Centimeter-gram-second system
- Centipoise
- Central dense overcast
- Central forecasting office
- Central moment
- Central pressure
- Central tendency
- Central water
- Centrifugal force
- Centrifugal instability
- Centripetal acceleration
- Ceraunograph
- Ceraunometer
- Cers
- Certainty factor
- Cetane
- Cfl
- Cflos
- Cfs
- Cgs system
- Chaff
- Chaff seeding
- Chain length
- Chain reaction
- Chain rule
- Challiho
- Chanduy
- Change chart
- Change of phase
- Change of state
- Channel
- Channel control
- Channel storage
- Channeling
- Chaos
- Chapman layer
- Chapman mechanism
- Chappuis bands
- Characteristic equation
- Characteristic length
- Characteristic of the pressure tendency
- Characteristic velocity
- Characteristic-value problem
- Characteristics
- Charge separation
- Charles-gay-lussac law
- Charnock's relation
- Chart
- Chart datum
- Chart plotting
- Check observation
- Chemical composition of precipitation
- Chemical energy
- Chemical hygrometer
- Chemisorption
- Chemosphere
- Chergui
- Chezy equation
- Chi-square test
- Chili
- Chill factor
- Chill hour
- Chill unit
- Chilled-mirror hygrometer
- Chilling
- Chilling injury
- Chimney cloud
- Chimney plume
- China coastal current
- Chinook
- Chinook arch
- Chinophile
- Chip log
- Chlorine compounds
- Chlorine dioxide
- Chlorine monoxide dimer
- Chlorine monoxide radical
- Chlorine nitrate
- Chlorine oxides
- Chlorinity
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Chloroform
- Chlorosity
- Chocolatero
- Chocolatta north
- Chop
- Choppy sea
- Chota bursát
- Chou lao hu
- Chronograph
- Chronometric radiosonde
- Chronothermometer
- Chubasco
- Chun fung
- Chunyuh
- Churada
- Cierzo
- Cin
- Circular depolarization ratio
- Circular polarization
- Circular variable
- Circular vortex
- Circulation
- Circulation index
- Circulation integral
- Circulation pattern
- Circulation theorem
- Circulation type
- Circumhorizontal arc
- Circumpolar whirl
- Circumscribed halo
- Circumzenithal arc
- Cirque glacier
- Cirriform
- Cirrocumulus
- Cirrostratus
- Cirrus
- Cirrus intortus
- Cirrus spissatus
- Cirrus uncinus
- Cisk
- Cistern
- Cistern barometer
- Civil day
- Civil twilight
- Clapotis
- Class interval
- Class-a evaporation pan
- Classical condensation theory
- Clathrate hydrate
- Clay atmometer
- Clayden effect
- Clean air
- Clear
- Clear air
- Clear ice
- Clear line of sight
- Clear sky
- Clear-air echo
- Clear-air turbulence
- Clearance
- Clearing
- Climagram
- Climap
- Climat
- Climat broadcast
- Climate
- Climate analogs
- Climate anomaly
- Climate change
- Climate change detection
- Climate control
- Climate drift
- Climate fluctuations
- Climate impact assessments
- Climate model
- Climate modification
- Climate monitoring
- Climate noise
- Climate periodicity
- Climate prediction
- Climate sensitivity
- Climate services
- Climate signal
- Climate snow line
- Climate system
- Climate variability
- Climatic control
- Climatic cycle
- Climatic diagram
- Climatic discontinuity
- Climatic divide
- Climatic element
- Climatic factor
- Climatic fluctuation
- Climatic index
- Climatic optimum
- Climatic province
- Climatic record
- Climatic region
- Climatic risk
- Climatic trend
- Climatic year
- Climatic zone
- Climatography
- Climatological atlas
- Climatological chart
- Climatological data
- Climatological division
- Climatological forecast
- Climatological network
- Climatological observation
- Climatological standard normals
- Climatological station
- Climatological station elevation
- Climatological station pressure
- Climatological substation
- Climatological summary
- Climatological year
- Climatonomy
- Clinometer
- Clo
- Clos
- Close pack ice
- Closed basin
- Closed cells
- Closed circulation
- Closed drainage
- Closed high
- Closed lake
- Closed low
- Closed system
- Closed weather
- Closed-cell stratocumulus
- Closure assumptions
- Closure problem
- Cloud
- Cloud absorption
- Cloud albedo
- Cloud amount
- Cloud attenuation
- Cloud band
- Cloud bank
- Cloud bar
- Cloud base
- Cloud camera
- Cloud ceiling
- Cloud chamber
- Cloud chart
- Cloud classification
- Cloud cluster
- Cloud condensation nuclei
- Cloud condensation nuclei counter
- Cloud cover
- Cloud drop
- Cloud droplet
- Cloud echo
- Cloud electrification
- Cloud element
- Cloud etage
- Cloud feedback
- Cloud flash
- Cloud formation
- Cloud genus
- Cloud gun
- Cloud height
- Cloud image animation
- Cloud layer
- Cloud level
- Cloud line
- Cloud microphysics
- Cloud microstructure
- Cloud mirror
- Cloud model
- Cloud modification
- Cloud motion vector
- Cloud nucleus
- Cloud optical depth
- Cloud particle
- Cloud physics
- Cloud radar
- Cloud radiative forcing
- Cloud searchlight
- Cloud sector
- Cloud seeding
- Cloud shield
- Cloud streets
- Cloud symbol
- Cloud system
- Cloud top
- Cloud tracer
- Cloud winds
- Cloud-detection radar
- Cloud-drop sampler
- Cloud-free line of sight
- Cloud-height indicator
- Cloud-height measurement method
- Cloud-to-ground flash
- Cloud-top entrainment instability
- Cloudbow
- Cloudburst
- Cloudy
- Cloudy day
- Cloudy sky
- Cluster ions
- Clutter
- Clutter rejection
- Cme
- Co-cumulative spectrum
- Co-latitude
- Co-rotating Interaction Region
- Coagulation
- Coalescence
- Coalescence efficiency
- Coarse particles
- Coarse-mesh grid
- Coastal climate
- Coastal front
- Coastal upwelling
- Coastal zone
- Coastal zone color scanner
- Coastally trapped waves
- Coaxial cable
- Cockeyed bob
- Code forms
- Coefficient of barotropy
- Coefficient of compressibility
- Coefficient of consolidation
- Coefficient of correlation
- Coefficient of diffusion
- Coefficient of eddy viscosity
- Coefficient of mutual diffusion
- Coefficient of piezotropy
- Coefficient of tension
- Coefficient of thermal expansion
- Coefficient of transparency
- Coefficient of viscosity
- Coffin corner
- Cognitive task analysis
- Coherence
- Coherence element
- Coherence time
- Coherent detection
- Coherent echo
- Coherent integration
- Coherent radar
- Coherent scattering
- Coherent structures
- Coherent target
- Cohmap
- Coho
- Col
- Cold cap
- Cold conveyor belt
- Cold dome
- Cold front
- Cold high
- Cold low
- Cold pole
- Cold pool
- Cold sector
- Cold snap
- Cold soak
- Cold tongue
- Cold top
- Cold trough
- Cold type occlusion
- Cold wave
- Cold-air injection
- Cold-air pool
- Cold-core rings
- Cold-front thunderstorm
- Cold-front wave
- Colla
- Collada
- Collar cloud
- Collection efficiency
- Collective
- Collector
- Colligative property
- Collision broadening
- Collision efficiency
- Collision theory
- Collision-coalescence process
- Colloidal instability
- Colloidal suspension
- Colloidal system
- Color look-up table
- Color temperature
- Colorado low
- Colorado sunken pan
- Colored rain
- Colorimetry
- Column
- Column abundance
- Column model
- Columnar resistance
- Comb nephoscope
- Combar code
- Comber
- Combination coefficient
- Combustion nucleus
- Comfort chart
- Comfort curve
- Comfort zone
- Comma cloud system
- Comma head
- Comma tail
- Comminution
- Communication center
- Commutator
- Compact differencing
- Compaction
- Comparative rabal
- Compass
- Compensated scale barometer
- Compensation of instruments
- Competence of the wind
- Complete freeze-up
- Complex index of refraction
- Complex low
- Complex refractive index
- Complex signal
- Complex terrain
- Composite forecast chart
- Composite reflectivity
- Composite vertical cross section
- Composite water sample
- Compound hydrograph
- Compressibility
- Compression wave
- Compressional wave
- Compton effect
- Computational mode
- Concentration
- Concentration basin
- Concentration gradient
- Concentration variance
- Concentric eyewall cycle
- Concentric eyewalls
- Concrete minimum temperature
- Condensation
- Condensation level
- Condensation nuclei counter
- Condensation nucleus
- Condensation pressure
- Condensation temperature
- Condensation trail
- Conditional distribution
- Conditional instability of the second kind
- Conditional mean
- Conditional probability
- Conditional sampling
- Conditions of readiness
- Conductance for moisture
- Conduction
- Conduction current
- Conductivity
- Conductivity-temperature-depth profiler
- Cone of depression
- Cone of escape
- Cone of impression
- Cone of visibility
- Cone of vision
- Confidence interval
- Confined aquifer
- Confined groundwater
- Confluence
- Conformal map
- Congelifraction
- Congeliturbation
- Congestus
- Conical beam
- Conical scanning
- Coning
- Conjunction
- Conjunctive use
- Connate water
- Consecutive mean
- Consensus average
- Consensus averaging
- Consequent
- Conservation of angular momentum
- Conservation of energy
- Conservation of mass
- Conservation of momentum
- Conservation of vorticity
- Conservatism
- Conservative field
- Conservative pollutants
- Conservative property
- Conserved variable diagram
- Consistent numerical scheme
- Consolidated ice
- Consolidation
- Constancy
- Constant absolute vorticity trajectory
- Constant flux layer
- Constant-height chart
- Constant-height surface
- Constant-level balloon
- Constant-pressure balloon
- Constant-pressure chart
- Constant-pressure surface
- Constant-pressure-pattern flight
- Constant-rate dilution gauging
- Consultation
- Consumption
- Consumptive use
- Contact angle
- Contact flight
- Contact nucleus
- Contact weather
- Contaminant
- Contaminate
- Contessa di vento
- Continental aerosol
- Continental air
- Continental borderland
- Continental climate
- Continental cloud
- Continental drift
- Continental glacier
- Continental high
- Continental platform
- Continental shelf
- Continental shelf wave
- Continental slope
- Continental water boundary
- Continentality
- Continentality index
- Contingency table
- Continuing current
- Continuity
- Continuity chart
- Continuous spectrum
- Continuous-wave radar
- Continuum absorption
- Contour
- Contour chart
- Contour interval
- Contour line
- Contour map
- Contour microclimate
- Contra solem
- Contraction coefficient
- Contrail
- Contrail-formation graph
- Contrast
- Contrast stretching
- Contraste
- Contributing region
- Control area
- Control day
- Control section
- Control well
- Control-tower visibility
- Convection
- Convection cell
- Convection current
- Convection initiation
- Convection theory of cyclones
- Convection-allowing model
- Convective activity
- Convective adjustment
- Convective boundary layer
- Convective cloud
- Convective condensation level
- Convective instability
- Convective mass flux
- Convective mixed layer
- Convective overturn
- Convective plume
- Convective precipitation
- Convective region
- Convective richardson number
- Convective showers
- Convective storm
- Convective temperature
- Convective term
- Convective transport
- Convective transport theory
- Convective turbulence
- Convergence
- Convergence band
- Convergence line
- Convergent numerical scheme
- Conversion factor
- Conveyance
- Convolution
- Cool change
- Cooling power
- Cooling temperature
- Cooling-power anemometer
- Coolometer
- Cooperative observer
- Coordinate system
- Coplane scanning
- Copolarized signal
- Corange line
- Cordonazo
- Cordonazo de san francisco
- Core sample
- Coriolis acceleration
- Coriolis effect
- Coriolis force
- Corn heat unit
- Corner reflector
- Cornice
- Coromell
- Corona current
- Corona discharge
- Coronagraph
- Coronal hole
- Corpuscular theory of light
- Corrasion
- Corrected altitude
- Correction
- Correlated-k
- Correlation
- Correlation coefficient
- Correlation ratio
- Correlation triangle
- Correlative meteorology
- Correlogram
- Corresponding point
- Corrosion
- Cosine law of illumination
- Cosmic radiation
- Cosmic rays
- Cosmic-ray ionization
- Cosmogenic radioisotopes
- Cospectrum
- Cotidal hour
- Cotidal line
- Cotton-belt climate
- Cotton-region shelter
- Couette flow
- Counter
- Counter-gradient
- Counter-gradient flux
- Countercurrent
- Countergradient wind
- Counterradiation
- Countertrades
- Counts
- Coupled model
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model
- Courant-friederichs-lewy condition
- Course
- Covariance
- Covariance matrix
- Covariate
- Cow storm
- Cow-quaker
- Crabbing
- Crachin
- Crack
- Crankcase ventilation
- Creep
- Creeping
- Creeping flow
- Crepuscular rays
- Crest cloud
- Crest gauge
- Crest stage
- Crevasse
- Crevasse hoar
- Criador
- Criegee intermediate
- Crisp variable
- Critical area
- Critical depth
- Critical depth control
- Critical discharge
- Critical drop radius
- Critical flow
- Critical frequency
- Critical gradient
- Critical height
- Critical level
- Critical level of escape
- Critical point
- Critical tidal level
- Critical velocity
- Crivetz
- Crop calendar
- Crop coefficient
- Crop moisture index
- Cross correlation
- Cross sea
- Cross section
- Cross-isobar angle
- Cross-polarized signal
- Cross-sectional analysis
- Cross-spectrum
- Cross-valley wind
- Crossover experiment
- Crosswind
- Crosswise vorticity
- Crt
- Cryochore
- Cryoconite hole
- Cryogenic hygrometer
- Cryogenic period
- Cryology
- Cryopedology
- Cryoplanation
- Cryoplankton
- Cryosphere
- Cryptoclimate
- Cryptoclimatology
- Crystal
- Crystal habit
- Crystal lattice
- Crystalline frost
- Crystallization
- Crystallization nucleus
- Csi
- Cta
- Ctd
- Cum sole
- Cumuliform
- Cumulonimbus
- Cumulonimbus calvus
- Cumulonimbus capillatus
- Cumulus
- Cumulus congestus
- Cumulus fractus
- Cumulus humilis
- Cumulus mediocris
- Cunnane plotting position
- Cunningham slip correction
- Cup anemometer
- Cup crystal
- Curie
- Curie temperature
- Curl
- Current
- Current chart
- Current cross section
- Current curve
- Current ellipse
- Current function
- Current meter
- Current pole
- Current profiler
- Current rose
- Current tables
- Curtis-godson approximation
- Curve fitting
- Curve of growth
- Curvilinear coordinates
- Custard winds
- Cutoff high
- Cutoff low
- Cutting-off process
- Cw radar
- Cyanometer
- Cycle
- Cycle per second
- Cyclo-geostrophic current
- Cyclogenesis
- Cyclohexane
- Cyclolysis
- Cyclone
- Cyclone collector
- Cyclone family
- Cyclone model
- Cyclone precipitation
- Cyclone wave
- Cyclonette
- Cyclonic
- Cyclonic circulation
- Cyclonic rotation
- Cyclonic scale
- Cyclonic shear
- Cyclostrophic flow
- Cyclostrophic wind
- Cyclotron frequency
- Cylindrical coordinates
- Cylindrical projection
- Czcs